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Southern Iowa RC&D Welcomes New Executive Director

Southern Iowa Resource Conservation and Development has named Michelle Wilson as the organization’s new executive director.

Southern Iowa RC&D board chair Rob Lundquist noted, “We are excited to have Michelle on board as our new executive director.”

Wilson has worked in the non-profit sector for 20 years, and most recently was the executive director of the Southwest Iowa Local Workforce Development Board. Wilson is enthusiastic to step into this new role, noting, “My experience with both non-profit organizations and personal investment in conservation and the outdoors has fostered a strong commitment to sustain and build our rural communities.”

Southern Iowa Resource Conservation and Development, established in 1968, serves 7 counties in southwest Iowa, providing leadership and technical services to individuals, groups and communities to sustain, develop and improve natural, community and human resources.

Since 1997, Southern Iowa RC&D has administered a revolving loan program, providing loans up to $40,000 to assist small business growth and development within the area.

Most recently, Southern Iowa RC&D was instrumental with the Clarke County Reservoir Commission to build a 789-acre reservoir northwest of Osceola to create a 2 million gallons/day water supply for Osceola, Clarke County, and the Southern Iowa Rural Water Association.

Other recent projects include the Southern Iowa Local Foods Initiative, Natural Resource Conservation Service easement monitoring and survey procurement.


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